What you should know before scheduling a consultation:
Do I need to provide my birth time? No, you don’t need to provide your birth time, as I create a chart specifically for the current situation relevant to the querent’s life, not based on their birth time. I use the “birth” time of the question, which according to Western tradition, is when the querent’s question reaches the astrologer and is understood by them. You can take a look at some examples of questions I’ve previously answered for clients (names changed) to see what the charts I work with look like, how questions are formulated, how the situation is described, what the analysis looks like, and how answers are derived from the analysis: EXAMPLES.
How many questions can I ask at one time?
One question on one topic. One or two related questions to the main question are accepted without additional charge. For example, the main question: “Would the dog Pea, adopted from a shelter, feel comfortable in our home?” Additional question: “Would my children take care of him?” However, if someone asks about different topics, for instance, the main question: “Am I attractive to Heracles?” and an additional question on a different topic: “Is my boss Dionysius planning to fire me?” or “How will my child do in first grade?” Horary astrology doesn’t work in such cases. It deals with one main situation at a time, just as a surgeon operates on one issue in one place at a time, not on ten different ones simultaneously.
How many times a year can I consult?
There is no limit, but I do not answer the same questions that I have already answered. For example, if a question on love is asked: “When will I meet someone I will fall in love with?” and the answer was: “In a year.” The same question should not be asked again before the year has passed.
Consultation Fee
The fee depends on the complexity of the question analysis, ranging from 30 to 50 euros. I confirm the price after receiving the question.
Consultation Process
1. The question is sent via email along with a brief description of the situation, making sure to mention the most important details. (Once again – EXAMPLES).
2. The service fee and the date by which you can expect the answer are confirmed.
3. The payment for the service is made.
4. The question is analyzed, and the answer is sent via email. If any uncertainties arise during the analysis, additional questions will be sent to the querent.
The payment for the service is made in advance and is non-refundable – payment is for the knowledge, analysis, and time spent. All decisions made after the consultation are the sole responsibility of the querent, just like after consulting with a doctor, financial analyst, or any other specialist in their field. So, if you have an important question tucked away, drop me a line! With the celestial map laid out, we will navigate!
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Astrological Questions Mailbox
Time of receiving the question: 15 04 2016, 20:38, Vilnius
Rimantas’s question: Will I go abroad for an internship?
Situation: ‘I applied for internships abroad, sent two inquiries to selected universities, and am waiting for responses. I wasn’t sure whether to keep waiting and do nothing or to plan other future activities if I don’t receive a positive answer.’
Will Rimantas go abroad for an internship? The querent is symbolized by Venus and the Moon, and the desired internship by Mercury. In less than one degree, the Moon will form a square aspect with Mercury, indicating that things will happen with effort. My answer: You will go, but there might be some complications with the acceptance: perhaps you’ll need to work more than usual on the departure documents, maybe not all the documents will reach the foreign country, and you’ll need to resend them, or there might be a misunderstanding that needs to be resolved, or other issues might arise in some way, but it will definitely be manageable.
What happened?
‘I received a positive response from one university! I’m going!’ – Rimantas

Time of receiving the question: 2017 06 20, 10:34, Dusetos
Gytis’s question: Should I keep waiting for the workers?
Situation: ‘I agreed with the town’s elder that the town workers would come and take away the trash that my father and I collected from the forests in the rural area. I called the workers and arranged the day and time they would arrive. It’s been two hours past the agreed time, and the workers have not shown up. I’m not sure if I should stay home waiting for them all day, because they might come at some point, or if I can go and handle other matters?’
Will the workers come today? Gytis is symbolized by Mercury, ruler of the 1st house, and the Moon; the workers are symbolized by Saturn, ruler of the 6th house. In the near future, Mercury and the Moon do not form any aspect with Saturn, which indicates that the event will not happen. Saturn is afflicted by Mercury, showing the workers’ attitude towards the querent, which is negative. In this situation, it can be interpreted that the workers are not prioritizing the agreement with Gytis and therefore lack motivation to come. My answer: The workers will not come today; they lack motivation and do not prioritize your agreement, so you can confidently go and handle other matters.
What happened?
‘Hello, so the workers didn’t come on the agreed day, just as you said… I called them again and asked when they would come. The worker said they would come with a few more people the day after tomorrow. They didn’t give a clear reason why they didn’t arrive at the agreed time. They came the day after tomorrow, but didn’t take away all the trash at once and didn’t help load it. They got scared that there would be too much work with the trash. They claimed that it wasn’t their job to do that much work, and complained about why my father and I decided to haul trash out of the forests in the first place. They left the trailer near the forest for us to load all the trash ourselves. They went home and returned at the end of the day to pick up the trailer we had loaded with the trash.’ – Gytis
Time of receiving the question: 2017 06 22, 16:47, Dusetos
Eglė’s question: Should I continue developing my individual business, or would it be better to accept the offer from organization X to become partners? In which case would my finances be greater, and when would I feel better emotionally?
Situation: ‘Having recently started my own business, I received a partnership offer from a larger organization engaged in similar activities. My earnings from the business are small, balancing between a loss and a small profit, so I’m considering whether it’s better to continue alone or accept the partnership offer. In the case of forming a partnership, I fear that the partner could overshadow my business, stifle my creativity, and I would miss my autonomy.’
Would this be a good partner? The partner is symbolized by Venus, which is in the 7th house (which represents a business partner in horary astrology), meaning it is in its own house, in the sign of Taurus — in its own sign. The partner is not inclined towards partnership or collaboration, focusing on their own interests, and if they were to form a partnership, it would be for their own benefit and their activities; they would not be interested in the partner’s side and would direct everything to their advantage. Mars (the planet symbolizing the querent) is afflicted in Venus (the partner’s planet), indicating that the partner has a negative view of the querent, possibly still seeing her as a competitor. The Moon (the querent’s emotions) is exalted in Venus, which suggests that the partner is very attracted to the querent’s emotional side, perhaps her great idealism and dedication to her work and ideas. Which scenario would result in greater finances? The querent’s finances are symbolized by Mercury in Cancer; it is not strong and is currently combusted by the Sun, and Mercury’s situation will not change in the near future, so there would be no changes in this area. When would Eglė feel better emotionally? Relocating the Moon (Eglė’s emotions) to her current work — the 10th house, we see that the Moon is in Leo, where it feels neutral, meaning her emotions would be more influenced by external factors. Placing the Moon in the partner’s 10th house, the Moon in Aquarius also feels neutral. My advice: Do not start the partnership, as neither emotionally, financially, nor in terms of the partnership itself, would this decision be beneficial for you.
What happened?
‘I decided to decline the partnership and continued my activities on my own. The finances remained the same, and the partner who offered the partnership did not carry out the proposed activities themselves, and after a year, as their business situation worsened, they are now looking for new premises to rent.’ – Eglė

Time of receiving the question: 2017 02 12, 17:00, Vilnius
Urtė’s question: Would I enjoy and feel good working as an assistant to a person with a disability? Should I accept this job offer?
Situation: ‘I received a job offer from a family raising a child with a disability, to be his assistant for a few hours a day, teaching him independence. I am unsure if I will feel good in this job because I have not worked in such a position and do not know the child. I have interacted with people with disabilities before and felt good, but those were not long daily, personal encounters, rather brief interactions.’
Would Urtė enjoy the job? Since this question is about the relationship with the job, we look at the relationship between the job and the querent (the 10th house — house of work, ruled by Venus, and the 1st house — house of the querent, ruled by the Sun. The Moon is also used, as it often symbolizes the querent’s emotions). The Sun, symbolizing Urtė, has a neutral relationship with Venus, while the Moon has a friendly trine relationship with Venus. From this, we can conclude that Urtė would feel quite good working in this job. Would Urtė be liked in the job (by the child with a disability and his parents)? Venus is in an exalted relationship with the Sun and a neutral relationship with the Moon. The parents and the child would greatly like Urtė, and they would have more expectations of her than she could fulfill, and she might even be idealized for a while. My answer: Emotionally, you would feel good working as an assistant, and in the job, you would be highly valued and idealized by the parents and their child; they might expect a bit more from you than you could provide.
What happened?
‘I want to share how the situation unfolded. It turned out that now I have been working as an assistant for the second year :)). The parents and the child, who has now become my friend, welcomed me very warmly and still value me. I feel quite good at work! ‘ – Urtė
Time of receiving the question: 2017 05 09, 20:38, Vilnius
Anja’s question: Is there a future with the guy? What does he feel for me?
Situation: ‘At the end of 2016, I met a guy in Catalonia. He lives in Germany. Now we communicate through WhatsApp and are planning to meet so that we can get to know each other better, but he always seems to lack the opportunity to meet. It might even seem that he is somewhat distant, although he gave me the impression of being a nice and open guy. I know he had a very bad experience with a girl a year ago and that afterwards, he had health issues and took a lot of medications, including antibiotics. What does the guy feel for Anja? What does Anja feel for the guy? Is there potential in their relationship? My advice: Answer: not much. From his side, there is more liking for you, but from your side, there is very little interest in him as a man, person, and potential partner. Nothing much will change from this side. Anja, perhaps you are interested in him as someone who needs help or support? Maybe you just want to help him in some way? By the way, how are you feeling emotionally in general at this period of your life?
What happened?
‘Also, thank you for when I asked you last year the question, it was true; it was the person that only wanted some help… but it didn’t work.’ – Anja