Who will win the conflict - Ukraine or Russia?

Interesting, isn’t it?

Now, let’s deconstruct this:

First of all, a person who claims to answer such questions through astrology must have studied astrology at universities recognized by international astrologers and/or with well-known and legitimately recognized astrologers. It’s not enough to read one astrology book or to have completed some “mystical ancient astrology studies with some spiritual guru somewhere in India” to professionally interpret questions about war.

For example, currently, many astrologers or “astrologers” of various types and educational backgrounds are interpreting this war event and sharing their insights. They often have their own channel, and many people follow them because they present astrology in a simplified, popular way, creating entertaining content. War topics are trending now, so it’s a great opportunity to gather viewers.

Secondly, one must have studied and practiced specifically the branch of mundane astrology, not natal astrology or electional astrology. Horary astrology can be used to analyze such questions, but it is not common. All these branches of astrology differ in their capabilities and techniques. Even within a single branch, there is no one technique; there are dozens, and astrologers use them according to their technical expertise.

For example, many astrologers attempting to interpret the military conflict by creating a chart use the birth date of the Russian president, which is available online. In reality, this raises significant doubts about its accuracy since the Russian president tends to hide personal data. Publishing the birth date could be like an open card to people who know how to use it. Therefore, it is highly likely that this date is not accurate, and conclusions drawn from it will not be correct.

Thirdly, does the astrologer have the competencies in political and historical knowledge? Perhaps they have studied history or political science at a university, or they constantly follow local and geopolitical events, understand them well, analyze, process information, comprehend it, comment on and have previously commented on and interpreted them through the lens of astrology?

For example, I watched several explanatory analysis videos by foreign astrologers about the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Several Indian astrologers analyzed the situation without historical or political competencies in this specific case, thus presenting such a scenario to their audience: Ukraine terrorized people living on the Russian border, so the Russians went to save them. Alternatively, some astrologers from certain countries analyze the Russian president’s words literally and say that it was not promised to attack all of Ukraine, Russia did not want this because the president said so, and further actions were provoked by Ukraine itself; the Russian president is a noble warrior and fights only as much as needed. If the context of the situation is not accurately understood, we cannot expect correct predictions.

Fourthly, what philosophy does the astrologer follow? Religious? Perhaps strong political views? Be attentive to the objectivity of astrological interpretations. They should be as objective as possible and detached from the personal sentiments of the astrologers. This is a perfect environment for information manipulation because only a small portion of the audience is educated on astrology and can discern what fits and what doesn’t. Therefore, mystical words like Black Moon, Dragon’s Tail, energies, chakras, karma, and even adding Sanskrit words like yoga, ashwini, uttara phalguni, etc., can create the impression of a very knowledgeable astrologer, so complex that it must be true because I didn’t understand anything they said! On the contrary, an astrologer should have the ability to understand, substantiate, and argue every technical word spoken and the system they practice. If they say “karma,” they must explain what it means in their dictionary because karma does not have one and only one meaning in traditions; therefore, it is not a self-explanatory term. If they say Black Moon—what is it, where does it come from, why do they use it, why do they emphasize it, because not all astrologers use and recognize it. If a person claims to represent the Hellenistic tradition of astrology, their astrological interpretations should not be seasoned with chakras and washed down with karma because these are different traditions. Many things can be explained in understandable language without mixing terms from different cultures that are not self-evident, thus creating a fog.

Examples: in the Lithuanian astrology world, I have already seen “astrological analyses” where Ukraine is called an aggressor, and there are “biolabs” on its border where an even more brutal virus than corona is being created, so Russia is coming to clean up those spots and save everyone. They also encourage reading anti-government press and provide links to conspiracy videos. The language they use to substantiate their “astrological forecasts” is as described in the fourth point.

Fifthly, there are few astrologers practicing mundane astrology because it is a very complex field, encompassing vast amounts of geopolitical and historical information that needs to be processed and managed, requiring abstract thinking, insightfulness, the ability to summarize, connect, interpret, predict, and be objective, mastering the techniques of the mundane astrology branch. And besides that, the simple earthly reason—a lot of daily work but zero livelihood, because nowadays, for example, in Lithuania, there is no demand, and no one will pay for it monthly. Therefore, various astrologers only interpret events hastily and episodically when there is a need, often without being professionals in that field. Thus, this type of information can be considered entertaining but not serious.

Dear ones, let’s seriously, responsibly, and critically choose astrological news!

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